Dataset Name: Respite and Medical Benefits Monthly Caseload fo Children and Youth with Special Needs - April 2002 to February 2012. (amch_cases_regional_by_program.*) Dataset Description: This data set contains the number of Medical Benefits (AM) and Respite Services (CH) case files per month by Ministry of Children & Family Development Region from April 2002 to present. Data Definitions: CYM: This field indicates the year and month (format: yyyymm) for which the number of repite and/or medical care files are measured. These data are produced from a system snapshot on the last day of each month. Region_number: A single-digit code assigned to each Region. Region: A designated geographic area within the province, which manages the delivery of Ministry programs, contract management, quality assurance, finance and personnel. Respite_files_only: The number of files that are for respite care only. Respite Care provides short term, temporary relief for Care Givers. Medical_files_only: The number of files that are for medical care only. Medical Benefits provides a range of basic essential medical items and services. Both_respite_and_medical_files: The number of files that are both respite and medical care. This number represents cases that have both respite_files and medical_files. Total: Total number of files is derived by adding respite_files_only and medical_files_only and both_respite_and_medical_files together giving the total for the Region. Data Source: IMS and MIS/SWS. Data Last Produced: March 26, 2012. Assumptions: Data produced from a system snapshot on the last day of each month.